Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Happy anniversary

Besides the fact that I have been incredibly busy (and not to mention lazy), I have been a little bit hesitant to write this post.

Two weeks ago, Eric and I celebrated our 2 year anniversary and he thought to surprise me with a quick weekend trip to the city. We were having trouble figuring out dinner reservations (we wanted to go to Le Bernadin) and eventually we decided to go to Butter- since I am currently in my 'Chef Alex Guarnaschelli obsession phase.

I was extremely excited and I couldn't wait to try out this restaurant- I mean Jenny from Gossip Girl got reservations there and she instantly beat out Blair Waldorf and became the queen of Constance- this place had to be good, right??

Well, yes, right. This place was great- but not as good as I had hoped and expected. Maybe I am being a snob (ok, I am) and maybe my expectations were set really high after my recent dinners at Umi and the Four Seasons in Italy (best food I have had, ever), but I really was hoping Butter was going to also come out on top!

We arrived at Butter a little early for our reservation on Saturday night, and we were ready to wait for that extra hour at the bar. However, upon arriving at the restaurant, there were plenty of tables left! We were happy about the availability but also a little bit annoyed as they claimed they didn't have earlier reservations (we made our original reservations at 9PM).

We got seated pretty quickly and I was able to order a mocktail and got to trick Eric and let him think it was a real cocktail (I think he still thinks it was a real cocktail- he tasted the drink and commented on how he 'couldn't even taste the alcohol'- I didn't correct him.) Hehe.

Having already studied the menu extensively before that night, I had already knew what I wanted, but then made a last minute switch from the Braised Lamb Shank to the Duck! I should have stayed with the lamb shank... :(

To start, I got the Seared Foie Gras (of course) while Eric got the salad (of course).

Seared Hudson Valley Foie Gras with cinammon raison toast and roasted concord grapes

As for our entrees, Eric decided to get the lamb shank while I switched my mind and got the duck.

Braised Lamb Shank

Roasted Duck Breast

Our meal was great. Eric's salad was crisp and fresh while my foie gras was seared perfectly. Although the preparations of both our appetizer and entrees were executed perfectly, I would have to say that the accompanying flavors were not as pleasing as I had hoped.

First off, I love foie gras. There is nothing better than biting into that succulent, buttery piece of velvet. The smooth texture along with the rich, heavy after taste is one of the best things in this world. The cinnamon raiston toast and concord grapes that came with my foie gras was wonderful but it really took away from the decadence of the foie gras. I sort of wished the foie gras was paired with a crisp fruit (apple pear) rather than the overwhemlingly sweet toast!

As for our entrees, Eric's lamb was divine. Cooked perfectly, I would say that I had no complaints. As for my duck, however, the surprising 'kick' of spice I got in the after taste was.. well... a surprise. It wasn't necessarily bad, but I definitely was not expecting it.

The sweetness of the sauce paired with the duck breast was perfect- but afterwards I got a kick of spice (can't really put my tongue on what it was) that threw me off a little. I would have preferred to stop at the awesomeness of the duck breast with the sweet glaze alone.

For dessert, we decided to share the raspberry beignets with the vanilla sauce. The desserts were all around $14 and so we thought that it HAD to be good since it was twice the price of a dessert at other nice places.... it was good. The warm beignets with the raspberry filling was absolutely delicious, but on top of that.. having that vanilla sauce (which tasted like concentrated haagen daz ice cream- yum real vanilla) was just a wonderful addition!

Although the prices may not have been worth the hype, I would say I had a great meal and a really good time at Butter!

I am really happy I got to go to Butter. Not only did I get to say that I was able to support Chef Guranaschelli, I got to spend the night with the best boyfriend in the world.

Happy anniversary- as if anything could have ruined this night..

Price: $$$$

Ambiance: A

Food: A-

Service: B+

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